It has been a very, very long time since my last Jupiter shot, back on November 14, 2015.

But I did get a chance to image the planet a few days ago, when the cirrus clouds allowed for some rather steady skies, which is a bit unusual in February for my location. When I say “steady”it does not mean that the seeing was excellent, but for a few brief seconds I had some very nice views on the laptop screen with the giant of our Solar System. The seeing was around 6 to 7/10. Not bad, but Jupiter requires some very steady conditions in order to image the very small and intricate details in its atmosphere. Plus, another problem: the very humid location allowed for some fog to form, and also a lot of dew on the secondary mirror of the scope; this forced me to go quite high with the gain setting, and thus adding a lot of noise to the images…

Nevertheless, one view:

JupiterMarch5, 2016Max.jpg

And a more detailed version, with the Red channel also shown:

JupiterMarch5, 2016MaxLarge.jpg

Hope to get more shots in the coming weeks, as the planet is just a few days past opposition. Maybe the Earth’s atmosphere will cooperate…


A soft processing of the above image.

Jupiter March5, 2016 22223ut.jpg

2 Replies to “Jupiter – March 5, 2016”

  1. Hi Max Truly amazing Jupiter images. Were these took with the newtonian?


    Enviado do meu iPhone


    1. Thank you Almir! Yes, it was done with the “aerial” Newtonian. I still can’t send you the pictures with the 355mm Newtonian due to the fact that it’s not around me at the moment. I’ll get back with this soon.

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